拼音:xiǎo gǔ英文解釋:
ossicle【醫】 bonelet; ossicle; ossicula; ossiculum
1.ossiculum 2.osselet 3.bonelet相關對話:
- 在疏質骨中構成網狀結構的任何細小骨針Any of the fine spicules forming a network in cancellous bone.
- 在疏質骨中構成網狀結構的任何細小骨針Any of the fine spicules forming a network in cancellous bone
- 豌豆骨連線尺骨和腕骨的小骨頭A small bone at the junction of the ulna and the carpus
- 小骨小骨,尤指中耳的三塊骨頭之一A small bone, especially one of the three bones of the middle ear.
- 小骨小骨,尤指中耳的三塊骨頭之一A small bone, especially one of the three bones of the middle ear
- 尾骨是脊骨底部的一塊小骨。The coccyx is a small bone at the base of the spine.
- 豌豆骨連線尺骨和腕骨的小骨頭A small bone at the junction of the ulna and the carpus.
- 鼓室骨折23耳,聽小骨損傷9耳;attic region in 23 ears, ossicular lesi on in 9 ears;