拼音:xiǎo fān chuán英文解釋:
- 那小帆船順風行駛得很快。The yacht made good progress with a following wind.
- 船載艦,艦載艇一種小帆船,舊時用來作為商船和戰艦的補給船A small sailing boat formerly used as a tender for merchant and war vessels
- 本書的封面上印有朗文公司的小帆船標誌。The Longman logo, a small sailing ship, is on the cover of this book.
- 補助帆,伸艉後桅帆小帆船或類似船隻的船尾上的小裝置A small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat.
- 單桅帆船有一個主帆、三角帆和龍骨但沒有船首斜桁的單桅小帆船A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit
- 舒適的屋子;舒適的小帆船。a snug house; a snug little sailboat