拼音:xiǎo dào英文解釋:
(1) ∶由人或動物經常或習慣性地走動而形成的小路羊腸小道(2) ∶儒家對宣揚禮... >>查看“小道”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pathlet 2.path相關對話:
- 她向窗外望去,看見郵遞員正從小道上過來。She looked out of the window and saw the postman coming up the path.
- 這小道崎嶇難走。The path was rough going.
- 沿著這條小道走,否則就要迷路。Keep to the path or you'll lose your way.
- 行人沿著岩石小道慢慢往上走。The walkers were making slow progress up the rocky path.
- 花園裡有一條之字形的小道。There is a zigzag path in the garden.
- 這條小道向山頂蜿蜒而上。The path zigzags up the hill.