拼音:xiāo chén de英文解釋:
dejected; depressed; depressible; die-away; downhearted; low; low-spirited相關詞條:
1.mopey 2.mopy 3.dieaway例句:
- 消沉的感情上或精神上受壓抑的Emotionally or mentally depressed.
- 使人消沉的不快活的情緒。a feeling of dismal cheerlessness.
- 消沉的;頹廢的男人;他意志消沉。brought low; a broken man; his broken spirit
- 憂鬱期沒精打采的日子,消沉的日子A period of depression or unhappy listlessness.
- 我們這一代人正面臨著有史以來最消沉的時刻。My generation, I think, is facing the most depressing moment in time.
- 消沉的意志, 心灰意懶a broken spirit