拼音:xiǎo bù英文解釋:
half step【醫】 brachybasia
(1).緩步。 宋 楊萬里 《顏幾聖招游裴園》詩:“小步深登野寺幽,古松將影入... >>查看“小步”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 慢跑平穩地小步跑To move at a steady trot
- 搖擺行走身體從一邊向一邊傾斜地小步行走To walk with short steps that tilt the body from side to side.
- 移了一小步Moved a fraction of a step.
- 不是小步前進而是大步地前進。progress by large jumps instead of small increments.
- 移了一小步Moved a fraction of a step
- 慢跑平穩地小步跑To move at a steady trot.