拼音:xiǎn yǎn de英文翻譯
conspicuous; showy; staring; viewy; well-marked相關詞條:
1.prononce 2.prominent 3.showy 4.inevidence例句:
- 去年,在另一齣戲里,她穿著短襪和顯眼的桔黃色的長裙。Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.
- 田地里一棵孤零零的樹是很顯眼的。A single tree in a field is prominent.
- 晚上在照明很差的路上行走,應該穿顯眼的衣物。If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.