拼音:xiàn rù jué jìng英文翻譯
be driven to the last ditch相關詞條:
1.fallintohopelessstraits 2.inahole 3.inanextremity 4.inextremes例句:
- 他一人待在倫敦,沒有工作,沒有朋友,陷入絕境之中。Alone in London, without work, without friends.he fell into despair.
- 棋手一看出自己陷入絕境,就承認(那局)輸了。The chess-player conceded (the game) when he saw that his position was hopeless.
- 有些農民在豐年節衣縮食有備無患,但也有些農民由於歉收而陷入絕境。Some of the farmers had been provident in the good years but others were ruined by the bad harvests.