拼音:xiàn mèi 英文解釋:
make up to
做出使人心悅的舉動或姿態來討好、巴結別人獻媚取寵 >>
查看“獻媚”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 當董事長大駕光臨我們辦公室時,他期望全體職員向他獻媚。
The Chairman expects the entire staff to dance attendance on him when he designs to visit our office.
- 偉大的人物應鄙視獻媚者。
A great man should disdain flatterers
- 卑躬屈膝,獻媚奉承卑躬地行進或低三下四地做
To proceed or act servilely.
- 他竭力向王室獻媚。
He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family.
- 迂迴用微妙和機靈的方式做(自我)介紹、獻媚求寵
To introduce or insert(oneself) by subtle and artful means.
- 他總是向有勢力的人獻媚邀寵。
He is always making up to influential people .