拼音:xiān mǎi英文解釋:
preempt; preemption中文解釋:
先於他人購買的行為或權利 >>查看“先買”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他們必須先買一些飛機保險。They just had to buy some flight insurance first.
- 這個婦女先買了些小商品The woman first bought a few small articles
- 出去旅遊前,我們先買了一本旅遊手冊。We bought a tourist handbook before going travelling.
- 出去旅遊前,我們先買了一本旅遊手冊。We bought a tourist handbook before going travelling
- 優先出賣;先買權A preemptive business offer; preemptive authority
- 我們知道他們要來,因此預先買了些食物。We knew they were coming, so we bought some food beforehand.
- 有先買(占)權的或被授於先買(占)權的Having or granted by the right of preemption.
- 先買權;先占權the right of preemption.