拼音:xiàn kuǎn英文翻譯
cash; ready; ready money【經】 cash; money down; ready cash; spot cash
1.realmoney 2.readymoney 3.readycash 4.moneydown 5.hardcash 6.cashonthebank 7.oof 8.ready 9.cashdownonthebarrelhead 10.cashdownonthenail 11.cashonthebarrelhead 12.cashonthenail 13.foldingmoney例句:
- 盜賊搶劫銀行,掠走了大批現款。Thieves raided the bank and got away with a lot of money.
- 這家公司沒有支付債務利息的現款。The company hasn't enough cash to service its debts.
- 你用現款還是用支票支付?Are you paying in cash or by cheque?
- 你有多少現款?How are you off for cash? ie How much have you got?
- 撥給多少現款?How much cash has been allotted?