字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>先見的英文翻譯


拼音:xiān jiàn


forethought; prescience; prevision
【法】 foresight


預見;事前顯露發生或其性質鄉下人對於下雪似乎更有先見 >>查看“先見”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他是個有先見之明的人。
    He is a man of foresight.
  2. 空空的冰櫃說明主人缺乏先見
    An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought
  3. 我建議(你)先見見他.
    I recommended (you) meeting him first
  4. 我認為年輕人應該先見點世面。
    I think a young person should see the world a bit first.
  5. 他是個有先見之明的人。
    He is a man of foresight
  6. 要辦好國家大事, 需要有先見之明。
    It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state
  7. 我認為年輕人應該先見點世面。
    I think a young person should see the world a bit first
  8. 自認先知先覺的人具有先見或自稱受到特別啟迪的人
    One who has or professes to have an unusual degree of enlightenment.
