拼音:xiǎng yòng英文解釋:
enjoy; regale【法】 beneficial use
使用或食用某種東西而得到滿足 >>查看“享用”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 享用由於使用或占有而獲得快樂Enjoyment derived from use or possession.
- 享用(營養)平衡的早餐是開始一天生活的好方式。Eating a balanced breakfast is a great way to jump start your day.
- 我們坐下來享用我伯父準備的美餐。We sat down to a wonderful meal prepared by my uncle
- 你們有資格享用免費午餐一次。You are entitled to a free lunch.
- 享用了那頓豐盛的美餐之後,我們都酒足飯飽了。After the excellent meal, we were satiated with food and drink.
- 野味可作為食物享用的這些獵物的肉The flesh of these animals, eaten as food.
- 憑這張票你可免費享用午餐。This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.
- 獨自享用to oneself