字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>詳細情況的英文翻譯


拼音:xiáng xì qíng kuàng


【法】 detailed circumstances


  1. 最後,他們了解到了地震的詳細情況
    They were at last able to learn the particulars of the earthquake .
  2. 公告沒有談會議的詳細情況
    The announcement gave no details of the meeting.
  3. 我一直在聽人說你出事故的詳細情況
    You are having a dream continuously
  4. 能不能介紹一下詳細情況
    B: Could you tell us some particulars about it
  5. 詳細情況在那塊利率牌上。請去那兒看吧。
    The detailed information is on the board. Please go and see there.
  6. 粗略的計算;計畫的詳細情況仍然不完整。
    a sketchy account; details of the plan remain sketchy
  7. 管理員了解學校大樓的詳細情況
    The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building.
  8. 你能向我敘述地震的詳細情況嗎?
    Can you describe the earthquake in detail to me?
