- 這是人人嚮往的事。
This was something to aspire to.
- 咖啡館是藝術家們嚮往的聚會地。
The café is a favorite rendezvous for artists
- 對立面只會使我們所嚮往的更加美好。
The opposite only compliments those things we thrive for.
- 優裕的生活不是特倫特這樣活躍的人物所嚮往的。
Easy street is no place for an active guy like Trent.
- 威尼斯是世界上令人嚮往的旅遊勝地之一。
Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.
- 夏威夷已成為日本人嚮往的度假勝地。
Hawaii has become a mMecca for vacationing Japanese
- 馬來西亞,我嚮往的地方,我會去的!
Malaysia , my Mecca , our will go to!
- 申請好學校是令人嚮往的。
It is desirable to apply to good schools.