字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>想通的英文翻譯 “想通”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiǎng tōng


be enlightened; become convinced


  1. 我還沒想通是否你的意見可行,不過我先考慮一下。
    I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
  2. 如果想通過努力工作來取勝,那么你就有更多的機會。
    If you put yourself to winning through hard work, you will have a better chance.
  3. 想通這個問題。
    We must straighten out our thinking on this issue.
  4. (我們想通過這個計畫提高產量。)
    In this project, we are aiming to increase output.
  5. 你要是想通過考試,思維就必須更加敏捷。
    You’ll have to smarten up if you want to pass those exams.
  6. 如果你想通過考試, 就得加把勁。
    You'd better buck up your ideas if you want to pass the exam.
  7. 湯姆想通過得到喬的支持而勝過我。
    Tom is trying to gain an advantage over me by getting Joe's support.
