字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>向前方的英文翻譯


拼音:xiàng qián fāng


【機】 forward


  1. 當一艘船或一架飛機面向前方是位於左邊。
    on the left-hand side of a vessel or aircraft when facing forward
  2. 請注意,把臉掉向前方,聽老師講話。
    Mind you, face forward and attend to the teacher!
  3. 當一艘船或一架飛機面向前方時位於右邊。
    on the right-hand side of a vessel or aircraft when facing forward.
  4. 當一艘船或一架飛機面向前方是位於左邊。
    on the left-hand side of a vessel or aircraft when facing forward.
  5. 四趾向前的足趾向前方長的。用於某些鳥類
    Having all toes pointing forwards. Used of certain birds.
  6. (二)車隊浩浩蕩蕩地向前方駛去。
    A mighty fleet fled to the front.
  7. (體育)手從肩下向前方或上方帶動的。
    (sports) with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level.
