拼音:xiāng liào英文解釋:
flavor; spice; spicery; stacte【化】 aromatic compounds; aromatics; aromatizer; perfume; perfume (material)
spice; spicery
【醫】 perfume; spices
發出令人愉快的氣味的物質;尤指薰香的液態(例如含有花香精、合成香精和固著劑的)制... >>查看“香料”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.flavouringmatter 2.finesherbes 3.fragrantsubstance 4.perfume 5.stacte 6.spicery 7.scentingagent 8.flavouring 9.flavor 10.condiments 11.flavoring 12.aromaticsubstance 13.aromatization 14.aromatizer相關對話:
- 姜、肉豆蔻、肉桂、胡椒、丁香都是常用的香料。Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and cloves are common spices.
- 這蛋糕中加香料了嗎?Have you spiced this cake?
- 飲料中帶有香料。The drink was mixed with aromatic spices.
- 肉豆蔻常用作食物中的香料。Nutmeg is usually used as flavouring in food.
- 請給蛋糕多加點香料。Please add more spices to the cake.