字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>相互了解的英文翻譯


拼音:xiāng hù liǎo jiě


understand one another


  1. 讓我們進一步相互了解吧。
    Let's get better acquainted.
  2. 我們正在接近促成我們兩國之間更好的相互了解
    We are moving towards a better understanding between our two countries
  3. 相互了解對方的過程中玩得開心。
    Have fun getting to know each other.
  4. 通過經常地友好交流相互了解的人。
    a person you come to know by by frequent friendly correspondence
  5. 希望在以後的日子裡能更多地相互了解
    I hope we can understand each other better in the days to come.
  6. 我們正在接近促成我們兩國之間更好的相互了解
    We are moving towards a better understanding between our two countries.
