拼音:xiāng hǎo 英文解釋:
be on intimate terms with; mistress中文解釋:
(1) ∶關係親密,感情好(2) ∶親密的朋友此銀也是我相好借來的,並無利息。&... >>
查看“相好”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
train 相關對話:
- 貝蒂摩根小姐從她的老相好那兒得到了一件毛皮大衣。
Betty Morgan got a fur coat from her sugar daddy.
- 請你替我照個相好嗎?
Would you take my picture for me?
- 兩個女人,若非以第三個人為犧牲,則殆無相好之時。
Two women seldom grow intimate but at the expense of a third person
- 她把從達特莫潛逃來的一個舊相好藏起來了。
She hid a former lover, now on the lam from Dartmoor.
- 對不起,先生。請幫我們照張相好嗎
Excuse me, sir Will you take a picture for us please
- 對不起,先生。請幫我們照張相好嗎?
Excuse me, sir. Will you take a picture for us please?