拼音:xiāng chí bù xià英文解釋:
be locked in a stalemate中文解釋:
彼此對峙,勝負未決。《史記·淮陰侯列傳》:“ 燕 齊 相持而不下,則 劉 ... >>查看“相持不下”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.stalmated 2.eyeballtoeyeball 3.cometoadeadlock相關對話:
- 談判中雙方相持不下。The two sides have come to a deadlock in the negotiation.
- 談判中雙方相持不下。The two sides have come to a deadlock in the negotiation
- 蘇珊和傑克在男女薪水平等一事上相持不下。Susan locked horns with Jack over the subject of equal pay for women.