拼音:xiǎng bù dào de 英文解釋:
unexpected; inconceivable相關詞條:
unexpected 2.
unlooked 3.
inconceivable 相關對話:
- 正當他們準備返航時,一次強烈的風暴阻斷了他們的歸途,而他們又遇到了意想不到的困難。
But as they are about to return, an unprecedented storm descends on the area and blocks their way home. To make things worse something unexpected happens.
- 一筆意想不到的遺產使他得以還清買房子欠下的債。
An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house.
- 由於想不到的原因,我不知道是否可以把約會時間由星期二改到星期五。
Because of something unexpected, I wonder if I can change my appointment from Tuesday to Friday.
- 恐怕這意想不到的事故會把今天的晚宴搞糟。
I'm afraid the unexpected accident may botch up the dinner tonight.