detailed; details; know clearly; thorough中文解釋:
詳 (詳) xiáng 細密,完備,與“略”相對:詳細。詳略。詳情。詳談。周詳...>>查看“詳”在國語字典中的解釋
- 有詳細材料備索。Full details will be sent on request.
- 他詳細地把事故講給我們聽。He told us the accident in detail.
- 哥倫布按順序仔細而詳盡地記載了他的各次航程。Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages.
- 我不得不詳述一下。I cannot forbear from going into details.
- 該事故的詳情在他頭腦中已混在一起。Details of the accident were all jumbled up in his mind.
- 請給我們公司寄一份詳細的簡歷。Please send a detailed resume to our company.
- 她對這段時期的情況了解地相當詳細。She has a detailed knowledge of this period.