- 長沙縣縣城概念性總體規劃的編制
The Practice of Conceptual Planning for Changsha County
- 縣城離這有百兒八十里。
The county town is a hundred li or so away from here.
- 3月3日,古浪縣城西15里出的廢墟。
15 li W. of Ku Ian hsien. Ruins. March 3.
- 我悄悄溜出村,向吉安縣城走去。
Slipping out of the village I headed for the city of Jian.
- 我也進了縣城里的一個國小校。
I enrolled in a primary school in the city in the county.
- 我也進了縣城里的一個國小校。
I enrolled in a primary school in the city in the county
- 縣城離這有百兒八十里。
The county town is a hundred li or so away from here
- 摘要民營經濟是發展縣域經濟的主力軍,壯大縣城經濟,就要大力發展民營經濟。
Non-state owned economy now is a main force in county economy