字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>先的英文翻譯 “先”的日文翻譯



ancestor; before; deceased; earlier; in advance
【醫】 fore-


先 xiān 時間在前的,次序在前的,與“後”相對:先前。先期。原先。先驅。先...


  1. ,你應向人事經理申請
    You should apply in the first instance to the personnel manager.
  2. 說起我們這個正負電子對撞機工程,我講個故事。
    As for the electron-positron collider, first I want to tell you a story.
  3. 尼: 羅伊·史密斯生,電話807-6543。
    Mr. Roy Smith at 807-6543.
  4. 史密斯生是商界大亨。
    Mr Smith is a big shot in commercial circle.
  5. 然而,基辛格又接到了一個電話,要他兩天之後去見尼克森生。
    Nevertheless,he got another call to see Mr.Nixon two days later.
  6. ART DECO風潮的引領者——吳濱生訪談
    Vanguard of Art Deco
  7. 就象馬克事對我說的那樣,莎米爾是個地道的累斯嬪。
    Just like Mark had told me beforehand, Shamir is a genuine lesbian
  8. 你可能想要預組裝你的資料庫讓測試變得容易些。
    You might want to pre-populate the database to make things easier to test.
