拼音:xià gān英文解釋:
【醫】 truncus caudalis中英例句:
- 咱們接著剛才的往下乾。Let's proceed with what we were doing.
- 乾杯提議乾杯或飲下乾杯酒To propose or drink a toast
- 他們就著熱飲料吃下乾鬆餅。They had some hot drinks to wash down their dry muffins.
- 許多謀殺是在打著愛國主義的旗幟下乾的。Many murders have been committed under cover of patriotism.
- 乾杯提議乾杯或飲下乾杯酒To propose or drink a toast.
- 他的父親為掙一份工資,在資本家手下乾活。His father worked under the capitalist for a wage