拼音:xià fù英文解釋:
【醫】 hypogastrium; venter inferior相關詞條:
1.abdomen 2.underside 3.lowerabdomen漢語造句:
- 下腹部腹部柔軟部分或動物下腹The soft belly or underside of an animal's body.
- B超和CT示下腹部偏右側有一11.2cm×7.6cm×8.4cm包塊。Ultrasonography and CT displayed a mass of 11.2cm×7.6cm×8.4cm.
- 右下腹包塊39例的診治The treatment and diagnosis in 39 cases of right lower-abdominal mass
- 我的下腹部有點痛。I have a pain in the lower abdomen
- 臀部、腹股溝和下腹部區域The region of the hips, groin, and lower abdomen.
- 我的下腹部有點痛。I have a pain in the lower abdomen.