拼音:xià fàng 英文解釋:
transfer to a lower level中文解釋:
(1) ∶把權力交給下層機構(2) ∶把幹部送到下層機構工作或送到農村、工礦、邊... >>
查看“下放”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
transfer 2.
tothecountryside 例句:
- 我們把權力下放,各省就有更多的自主權。
If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.
- 他絕望之下放棄了嘗試。
He gave up the attempt in despair.
- 在失敗或缺少希望的情況下放棄……;承認失敗。
give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat.
- 雞蛋在太陽下放了一天后開始變壞。
The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun
- 下放農村
send to the countryside
- 下放總會遇到障礙。
Delegation of power to lower levels will inevitably run into obstacles.
- 營救他的唯一辦法是往下放一根繩索。
The one and only way to rescuer him is to lower down a rope