拼音:xià de英文解釋:
subaltern【醫】 inferior
見“ 下得 ”。 >>查看“下的”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.subordinate 2.lower 3.inferior相關對話:
- 普通的質量中等偏下的;一般的Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary.
- 布朗先生很高傲,辦公室里主任出納以下的人他都不放在眼裡。Mr Brown has a proud stomach, he acknowledges no one in the office lower than the Chief Cashier.
- 次級的,低微下的重要性或等級位於第二的;次級的Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate.
- 淺談製造成本法下的成本核算Superficial view of cost accounting through manufacturing cost
- 頁面出錯處理代碼位於mm下的memory。The page fault handling code is in mm/memory.
- 供應鏈環境下的庫存控制研究Research on Inventory Control in Environment of Supply Chain
- 消費社會背景下的廣告文化批判Critical Review of Advertising Culture in the Setting of Consumer Society
- 浴室洗手台下的水管被一大團頭髮堵塞了。The pipe under the bathroom sink was jammed by a huge clot of hair