拼音:xià dàn英文解釋:
lay; lay an egg中文解釋:
生蛋 >>查看“下蛋”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.egglaying 2.lay漢語造句:
- 下蛋雞為生蛋而飼養的母雞A hen kept for laying eggs.
- 母雞要下蛋了A hen coming into lay.
- 現在那些母雞不愛下蛋。The hens are not laying well (ie not producing many eggs) at the moment.
- 我們聽見了母雞下蛋後的咯咯叫聲。We heard the cackle of the hen.
- 咯咯地叫母雞下蛋後發出的以尖叫為特徵的叫聲To make the shrill cry characteristic of a hen after laying an egg
- 最後將它倒入剩下蛋白糊盆中拌勻。Make sure no white streaks remain.
- 這隻母雞下蛋多。This hen is a good layer
- 他獲勝的機會微乎其微,不過公雞或許也會下蛋的。His chances of winning are extremely small, but pigs might fly.