拼音:xià chǎng 英文解釋:
end; fate; go off the stage; leave the playing field
比喻結局,收場 >>
查看“下場”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 電影的結尾,壞人被關進監獄,得到了他應有地下場。
At the end of the movie the villain got what was coming to him and was put in jail.
- 這一場結束時,殺人犯聽見警察來的聲音就退下場。
At this end of this scene, the murderer goes off after hearing the police arrive.
- 大多數歹徒最終都落得個不好的下場。
Most gangsters come to a sticky end eventually.
- 不會有好下場
will certainly come to no good end; will come to no good
- 那些企圖損人利己的人不會有好下場。
Those who try to profit at the expense of others will come to no good end.
- 上帝保佑,看看他們的下場那將是很偉大的一天。
Thanks be to God, it was a great day to see the back of them.
- 阿隆索對古德揚森犯規吃到黃牌,將錯過下場比賽。
Alonso gets booded for a foul on Gudjohnsen and will be suspended.
- 只盼下場透雨,解除旱情。
A saturating rain was expected to end the drought.