字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>狹隘的的英文翻譯


拼音:xiá ài de


narrow; parochial


  1. 思想狹隘的眼界和經驗受限制和孤立的;狹窄得或見解偏狹得
    Circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience; narrow or provincial.
  2. 狹隘的山路崎嶇不平。
    The mountain path is narrow and rugged.
  3. 有才氣但是心胸狹窄的法官;狹隘的觀點。
    a brilliant but narrow-minded judge; narrow opinions
  4. 惡意而狹隘的評論;為瑣事而耗費的狹隘心胸
    Mean little comments; a little mind consumed with trivia
  5. 狹隘的看法
    a narrow view
  6. 收縮的血管;狹隘的人生觀。
    a constricted blood vessel; a constricted view of life
  7. 範例,就其最狹隘的意義來說,就是一組規則。
    The paradigm is in its narrowest sense a set of rules.
