拼音:wù zhǔ英文解釋:
owner【經】 owner
物資或物品所有者,一般指被盜竊或遺失的財物的擁有者繳獲的盜竊物都歸還了物主 >>查看“物主”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我想我們應該為造物主的慷慨賜予而乾杯。I think we shall drink to the bounty of nature.
- 那幢房子未能達到預定的價格,物主的代理人叫高價以25萬英鎊把它保留下來。The house failed to reach its agreed price, and was bid in at a quarter of a million pounds.
- 物主身份是主人的狀態或事實The state or fact of being an owner.
- 《歷史唯物主義與異化勞動》(篇章選讀).Marx, Karl. Selections on Historical Materialism and Alienated Labor.
- 唯物主義的表現;用於繪畫或者雕刻。represent materialistically; as in a painting or a sculpture
- 唯物主義擁護者the adherents of materialism
- 重要人物主要或首要的人物A leading or principal figure.
- 造物主柏拉圖哲學中將物質世界從混沌中創造出來的神A Platonic deity who orders or fashions the material world out of chaos.