- 他沒有真正滿意他的無畏行動。
He is not really satisfied with his intrepid action.
- 那名警察面臨危險時表現出大無畏精神。
The policeman shows great bravery in the face of danger.
- 一個無畏的將軍
A greathearted general
- 我對未來並非缺乏信心,對前景也毫無畏懼。
I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead.
- 在帝國,一艘標準的無畏級攜帶一個中隊的鈦戰鬥機。
In the Empire, a standard Dreadnaught carried a squadron of TIE fighters.
- 無知的人比殺獅子還可怕。無知才無畏。
Fear an ignorant man more a lion---- Proverb
- 在帝國,一艘標準的無畏級攜帶一個中隊的鈦戰鬥機。
In the Empire, a standard Dreadnaught carried a squadron of TIE fighters