拼音:wú sī de英文解釋:
altruistic; disinterested; self-giving; selfless; unselfish【計】 egoless
1.selfless 2.disinterested 3.unselfish 4.altruistic中英例句:
- 他無私的工作開始產生效果。His unselfish work is beginning to tell.
- 表現高尚品德的寬宏大量的;消除怨恨和報復的;無私的Generous in forgiving; eschewing resentment or revenge; unselfish.
- 他培養他們成為為人民利益奮鬥的勇敢無私的戰士。He trained them to be bold selfless fighters for the interests of the people.
- 愛有三種:無私的愛、相互的愛、和普通的,即自私的愛。Love is of three varieties: unselfish, mutual,and ordinary or selfish.
- 他們討論如何學習這些同志大公無私的精神。They discussed how to emulate the selfless spirit of these comrades.
- 她無私的行為使她贏得了所有認識她的人的尊敬?Her unselfish acts earned the respect of all who knew her .
- 他是這樣一個大公無私的人,人人都尊敬他。He was such a selfless man;everybody respected him
- 不!更應該說天主是鐵面無私的。or rather, for I am wrong, it is God who is just and unbending.