拼音:wù sè 英文解釋:
choose; look for; seek out中文解釋:
(1) ∶牲畜的毛色(2) ∶按一定標準去訪求乃令以物色訪之。—&m... >>
查看“物色”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
beatthebushes 漢語造句:
- 我們最好著手物色一個新秘書。
We'd better start scouting about for a new secretary.
- 導演在為新片物色合適的拍攝場地。
The director is looking for a suitable locale for his new film.
- 物色適當人選
try to find a suitable person (for a job)
- 他有個苦差事, 是要為全隊物色食宿的處所。
He get lumberedwith the job of finding accommodation for the whole team.
- 一種藍黑色植物色素,含有藍綠色酒精溶液。
a blue-black plant pigment having a blue-green alcohol solution
- 他在物色新的住房。
He’s looking out for a new house.
- 董事會僱傭了一位負責人才招聘的人去物色一位新經理。
The board of directors hired a headhunter to get a new manager.