拼音:wǔ rǔ英文解釋:
insult; humiliate; affront; disesteem; indignity; injury; outrage; shame【法】 assault; blasphemy; contempt; insult
欺侮羞辱;使蒙受恥辱他的話是蓄意的侮辱 >>查看“侮辱”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 一連串侮辱;接連的來信A torrent of insults; torrents of mail
- 故意侮辱;故意諷刺。a calculated insult; with measured irony
- 忍受,容忍(如侮辱)To accept or tolerate(an insult, for example).
- 他不斷的侮辱,激起了我的憤怒。His constant insults aroused my anger.
- 侮辱性的言談A speech that was intended to insult
- 對傷害和侮辱進行補償(一般或正式)。compensation (given or received) for an injury or insult.
- 他的侮辱留下深的創傷。His insult left a deep scar
- 我再也無法忍受她的侮辱了。I can no longer pocket her insults.