拼音:wú rén英文解釋:
depopulated; nobody; self-service; unmanned中文解釋:
(1).沒有人才。《左傳·文公十三年》:“﹝ 士會 ﹞乃行。 繞朝 贈之以策,... >>查看“無人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.manless 2.nobody中英例句:
- 尚無人用此商標,所以這個名字可以使用。Nobody has a trademark on it so the name is open.
- 他自吹自擂說能喝十品脫啤酒,但無人理睬他。His boast that he could drink ten pints of beer impressed nobody.
- 我們大家都得參加跑步訓練,無人例外。We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.
- 在第一批求職者中無人適合做那份工作。Nobody in the first lot of applicants was suitable for the job.