拼音:wú quán英文解釋:
have no right【法】 without book
(1).不能衡量輕重。比喻不知因事制宜、隨機應變。《孟子·盡心上》:“ 子莫 ... >>查看“無權”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.havenobusiness 2.exrights相關對話:
- 你無權在這兒。走開!You've no right to be here. Clear off!
- 你是否懷疑我無權看這份材料?Do you question my right to read this?
- 根據租約規定,你無權轉租物業。Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.
- 實際上,他無權對你下任何命令,你又不是他的部下。Actually he had no business to give you any orders at all. You're not part of his command.