拼音:wù nóng英文解釋:
從事農業勞動 下鄉務農 >>查看“務農”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 有些家族在該地區務農已達數百年。Some families have farm in this area for hundreds of year.
- 他辭去了辦公室的工作,改以務農為生。He left his office job to try to make a living on the land.
- 務農的人a son of the soil
- 我父母親過去以務農為生。My parents used to farm for a living.
- (派克叔叔在鄉下務農。Uncle Pike is a farmer in the country
- 以務農為業work on the land; be a peasant
- 26因為他的神教導他務農相宜,並且指教他。For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him.
- 疾病使他不適於務農。Illness unfitted him for the life of a farmer.