拼音:wú míng英文解釋:
without a name【法】 anonymity
(1) ∶沒有名稱或名聲師出無名(2) ∶沒有緣由或說不清緣由的無名火 >>查看“無名”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.withoutaname 2.reconditeness 3.noname 4.anonymousness例句:
- 你的朋友都不過是無名之輩。Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.
- 演主角的是一個毫無名氣的演員。The leading role is played by a complete unknown.
- 當她還是一個十六歲的無名少女時,導演選中她演主角。The director cast her in a leading part when she was a young unknown of 16.
- 今天早晨收到一封無名氏的來信,信內還附有錢,我不明白這是怎么回事。An anonymous letter containing money came to me this morning and I do not know what to make of it.
- 一位活躍在10世紀的無名詩人;在印象主義最蓬勃的時期作畫An anonymous poet who flourished in the tenth century; painted when Impressionism was flourishing.