- 倫敦芭蕾舞劇團即將訪華。你喜歡芭蕾嗎?
The London Ballet Company is visiting China. Are you keen on ballet?
- 就歌舞劇而言,這一齣戲並無突出之處。
As song and dance dramas go, this one is no great shakes.
- 你從前看過這齣芭蕾舞劇嗎?
Have you seenthis ballet before?
- 輕歌舞劇歷史上最令人難忘的噱頭之一
One of the most memorable gags in the history of vaudeville
- 天鵝湖是一出著名的芭蕾舞劇。
Swan Lake is the name of a famous ballet.
- 輕歌舞劇通常包括有歌曲、啞劇以及舞蹈的輕喜劇
A light comic play that often includes songs, pantomime, and dances
- 這部歌舞劇在紐約的演出將於下星期結束,然後開始進行巡迴演出。
The musical ends its New York run next week to go on the road.
- 舞劇片
dance or ballet film