拼音:wú jīng dǎ cǎi英文解釋:
形容不高興 、不振作、沒有神采 >>查看“無精打采”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他的一個朋友碰巧在火車車廂里坐在一個無精打采的年輕人的身邊。A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad-coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed.
- 他無精打采地回答。He drawled a reply.
- 湯姆看起來無精打采。Tom is limp as a dishrag
- 這是個無精打采的嘗試。it was a spiritless attempt
- 無精打采,呆滯懶散,無生氣,冷漠的狀態A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy.
- 夏天超乎想像的熱氣與濕度讓大家都覺得無精打采。The incredible summer heat and humidity made us all feel languid.
- 她工作責任很重把她壓得無精打采。The responsibilities of the job are weighing her down.