拼音:wú jiā kě guī 英文解釋:
get the key of the street中文解釋:
沒有家庭;無處投奔。 唐 陸贄 《平朱泚後車駕還京大赦制》:“如無家可歸者,量... >>
查看“無家可歸”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他們把自己的家變成了無家可歸的孤兒們的避難所。
They have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans.
- 我很同情那些無家可歸的人。
I have much sympathy with those homeless people.
- 你能幫助我們募集款項,救濟因水災而無家可歸的人嗎?
Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?
- 這個無家可歸的男孩靠乞討和偷竊為生。
The homeless boy begs and thieves for a living.
- 我們同情這個無家可歸的女孩,讓她住進了我們的屋子裡。
We took pity on the homeless girl and took her into our house.
- 她幫助無家可歸的人,真是可敬。
It was decent of her to help the homeless.
- 他同情那些無家可歸的可憐人。
He has sympathy for those homeless wretches.
- 她幫助無家可歸的人從不厭倦。
She is untiring in her efforts to help the homeless.