拼音:wū hé zhī zhòng英文解釋:
mob; awkward squad; rabble; rout; sheep without a shepherd【法】 rabbel
烏鴉聚合,受驚易散。比喻勉強拼湊組合在一起的鬆散群體,心不齊,無素養 >>查看“烏合之眾”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 這些土匪是一群烏合之眾, 不堪一擊。These bandits are just a disorderly mob and will collapse at the first blow
- 那時義大利軍隊簡直就是一群狂亂的烏合之眾。By that time the Italian army was nothing but a frantic mob
- 這時,門外的烏合之眾搶劫了小羊,它只得在餐廳里抽泣。Meanwhile, the mob outside ro her and the lamb so in the cafeteria.
- 烏合之眾,有勇無謀。The mob has many heads but no brains.
- 他們用烏合之眾組成一支軍隊。They formed an army out of rabble.
- 一群各懷己見的烏合之眾a medley of different ideas
- 我想這群烏合之眾的暴民很快就會瓦解。I think a leaderless mob soon disintegrates.