字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>無底的的英文翻譯


拼音:wú dǐ de


abysmal; unfathomable


  1. 法律是無底的深淵。
    Law is a bottomless pit.
  2. 太空無蓋、也無底;事實在,無論上、下都是無底的
    Space has no top, no bottom; in fact, it is bottomless both at the bottom and at the top.
  3. 深不可測的,無底的深度上象深淵的;深不可測的
    Resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable.
  4. 貨幣的無限供給;無底的口袋。
    a bottomless supply of money; bottomless pockets.
  5. 法律是無底的深淵。
    Law is a bottomless pit
  6. 簡單的上部前方開口的無底的睡袍。
    bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front.
  7. 我的心因為你而沉落(至無底的深淵)。
    My heart sunk because of you.
  8. 貨幣的無限供給;無底的口袋。
    a bottomless supply of money; bottomless pockets
