拼音:wú biān英文解釋:
沒有邊際無邊界框 >>查看“無邊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.passallbounds 2.endlessness 3.beborderless中英例句:
- 海洋十分遼闊,他們極目遠眺無邊無涯。The ocean stretch as far as they can see on all side.
- 象中國一樣,美國繼承了幅員遼闊的國土,有一望無際的叢山峻岭,沃土良田和無邊草原。Like you, we inherited a vast land of endless skies, tall mountains, rich fields, and open prairies.
- 無邊無際的宇宙;沒完沒了的談話An endless universe; an endless conversation.
- 在無邊無際的海洋中要找到他幾乎是不可能的。It's almost impossible to find him in the immense ocean.