字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>午的英文翻譯 “午”的日文翻譯



midday; noon


午 wǔ 地支的第七位,屬馬。 用於計時:午時(白天十一點到一點)。午間。午飯...


  1. 我要一張今天下4點15分支出墨爾本的來回票。
    I need a return ticket for melbourne at 4:15 this afternoon.
  2. 我們明天下00左右能給您送去。
    We can deliver it tomorrow around 00 p.m.
  3. 遊園會在下6點結束。
    The garden party broke up at 6p.m.
  4. 好,先生,能為您做點兒什麼?
    Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?
  5. 明天上的時間都占滿了。
    Tomorrow morning is all booked up.
  6. 我一向把鬧鐘上到上七點正。
    I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a. m.
  7. 你能猜到今天下我在做什麼嗎?
    Can you guess what I was doing this afternoon?
  8. 那天下,儘管剛剛接受了治療,我還是感覺能親自駕車回家。
    Despite the treatment, I felt well enough to drive home that afternoon.
