字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>蝸輪的英文翻譯 “蝸輪”的日文翻譯


拼音:wō lún


worm wheel
【機】 worm gear; worm gearing


1.wormgear  2.wormgear  3.wormwheel  4.helicalwheel  


  1. 螺紋蝸輪的刻有螺旋線的柄
    The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear.
  2. 蝸輪圓弧樣板的設計
    Design of Arc Template of Wormwheel
  3. 阿基米德蝸桿蝸輪在Pro/E中的精確建模研究
    Study on precise modeling of archimedes worm and worm-gear based on Pro/E
  4. 它主要是由橫截剖分蝸輪———彈簧———斜塊———滾珠構成的。
    It is mainly made up of cross section worm gear_spring_slanting lumps_ball.
  5. ZA27鐵芯蝸輪鑄件裂紋分析
    Analysis of Crack Formation in ZA27 Alloy Turbine with Iron Core
  6. 螺紋蝸輪的刻有螺旋線的柄
    The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear
  7. MOP~* 309TGT-24/50離心機蝸輪副改造
    Retrofit of the Turbine Pair of a MOP~*309TGT-24/50 Type Centrifuge
  8. 鍋爐給水泵主油泵蝸輪蝸桿改造
    Modification of the Worm and Gear of the Main Oil Pump of BFW Pumps
