拼音:wò dǎo英文解釋:
drop down; take a prone中文解釋:
趴在地上 >>查看“臥倒”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 子彈在頭頂嗖嗖飛過,他迅速臥倒。He flung himself to the ground as the bullets flew past overhead.
- 當子彈從耳邊呼嘯而過時,他們臥倒隱蔽起來。They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears.
- 第一聲警報一響我們就迅速臥倒。Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.
- 臥倒地在平面上地或靠在平面上地;整個長度伸展地On or up against a flat surface; at full length.
- 馬一下子臥倒在地。The horse threw himself into a squat