拼音:wén yú英文解釋:
指看戲、看電影、唱歌、跳舞等娛樂活動 >>查看“文娛”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他專心致力於研究工作,連文娛活動的時間都沒有了。He was so absorbed in the research that he had mot time left for recreational activities.
- 活躍文娛生活liven up cultural and recreational activities
- 你在文娛方面有什麼愛好?What kind of recreation do you go in for?
- 文娛幹事person in charge of recreational activities
- 安排文娛節目to arrange a program of entertainment
- 你不用為文娛節目擔心,她一個人能頂幾個演員。You needn’t worry about entertainment; she’s a host in herself